frequently asked questions

Car Detailing FAQs

Are you by appointment only?

Yes, most of our services will require an appointment. There may be times when services are readily available, but normal business operations require a set appointment.

Do I have to be present, or only when done?

You are not required to stay on-site, but you are more than welcome to. Most customers are not present, the customer comes self-contained with water and electricity! We also offer online payment options if you do prefer.

Can I bring my car to you?

We are primarily a mobile-based business, but drop-off options are available. However, we do not offer vehicle loans or transportation services. If our car is left on-site, you will need to arrange pick-up transportation.

What parts of Chesterfield county do you service?

We service the surrounding areas such as Chester, Chesterfield, Richmond, Henrico, and more.

Is there a charge for you to come to me?

We do not charge a mobile travel fee for clients within our service area. However, there are fees for clients that are more than 30 miles away.

Wash & Wax FAQs

Will this remove scratches from my paint?

Applying wax on your car's paint will technically hide very "small/light" micro-scratches but will not fully correct or get rid of any scratches on your paint.

How long does the Wax last?

Waxing can usually last 3-4 months depending on how well your car is maintained. A vehicle kept indoors will see results that last longer, while vehicles regularly exposed to temperatures above 90 degrees may see a reduced wax life, usually no more than 3 months.

What kind of wax do you use?

While we have a wide variety of options available, we rely on the industry leader in vehicle wax: Collinite Carnauba Wax. This product has been proven to provide months of lasting shine and protection.

How long does this service take?

Generally, waxing services can take up to 2-4 hours, but the actual time may vary by vehicle condition.

Full Interior Cleaning FAQs

How long does it take to clean my interior?

Generally, interior cleaning takes 2-4 hours but may vary depending on vehicle condition.

What’s your cleaning process?

Our experts use the highest quality brushes, machines, and cleaners to remove stains and other blemishes. Our process is designed to remove unsightly stains and foul odors.

How long does it take for the seats to dry?

With warm weather, seats, and upholstery tend to dry within 3 hours. In many cases, a car may be clean, but not completely dry. You'll be able to pick up your vehicle and to where you need to go, but with temporarily, barely wet seats.

Are you able to remove every stain?

We cannot guarantee that every stain will be fully removed, but our experienced cleaning experts and high-power cleaning products will help restore your seats and make them as close to new as possible!

Just Clean Mobile Details

DISCLAIMER: All pricing is subject to change during full inspection of vehicle. All stains and pet hair isn’t 100% guaranteed to come completely up, please expect an 80% difference.


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